summer 2024


Experience Labyrxnth’s 12-week immersive and personalized program for deep self-inquiry and transformation through life's pivotal moments.

June — September 2024

June — September 2024 ✦

“Labyrxnth has given me a much lasting sense of peace and well-being, and emotional access and connectivity. I now feel in a much more visceral way, and have a newly-found confidence in the fact that I possess within me so much knowledge, wisdom, and creativity, much of which I had been seeking externally. It also reiterated the importance of opening up and sharing experiences and vulnerabilities with a supportive community vs. trying to figure things out on my own.”

- Ana Maria, Autumn 2023

A holistic investment in your inner growth.

Investment: Time

12-week x 2h per week

4 x 90m Solo Sessions with Lab Guides
6 x 90m Group Sessions with Labyrxnth peers
4 x 50m Reflection Sessions with Lead Guide
Post-Session Reflection Prompts
Weekly Diads with Labyrxnth Forum Peers

Investment: Money


10 hours of 1:1 therapist & practitioner sessions
15 hours of facilitated group work
4 hours of individualized collaborative care support
Personalized session recaps & recommendations
Seamless concierge service

Investment: Energy

Upgrade Your Self

Each session delivers a unique-to-you space for self-inquiry, unlocking the energy that comes from feeling aligned and connected to your core self. Feel your sense of self become more vibrant, present and real.

The Labyrxnth experience is
designed around you.

You are here.

You bring an intention or crucial question. We provide an effective structure, practices, and support for unlocking
insight, healing and transformation through 1:1 sessions with expert practitioners in an array of proven modalities and experience sharing and integration with a group of inspiring peers. 


CREATE A personalized schedule


video intake questionnaire


SET intentions
with your lead
LAB guide


customized 1:1 sessions with expert guideS


Harvest your insights with video & voice diary prompts


guided group sessions with curated peers


check-in , reflect & recalibrate along the way


Private portal to track progress & reveal next steps

Enroll Now

“This has been the most profound self inquiry work I've ever done by far. And I've done a lot. What has been most profound about this program for me is working with different guides across modalities and having them meet me where I am, versus having to meet them where they are in relation to me. Because the guides knew about 
me and collaborated, I didn’t feel I had to do so much explaining which allowed for my sessions
to go deeper. Each first session with the guides felt as though I had already seen them 10 or 20 times before.”

- Lihi, Autumn 2023

Still have questions?

  • Cohorts are hand-selected based on our team’s collective clinical and experiential wisdom. Because we use rolling start dates for the program, we are able to form groups that share important core themes, such as working with grief or transitioning into middle age. This curation leads to bi-weekly Forum sessions that have immense depth and play an important role in the personal journey of each individual Labyrxnth participant.

  • The Solo sessions that occur during Labyrxnth are led by our team of Lab Guides. During the 12-week program, your Guides will work closely as a team. Labyrxnth’s program design allows for a truly novel form of collaborative care, where each new Guide you see will already know whatever has been shared with earlier Guides.

  • We won’t lie, we’re extremely picky! In order to be a Guide with Labyrxnth, individuals must pass through a multi-stage interview process that includes our founder, our Head of Practitioner Experience and the full team. With so many exciting modalities and certification programs available, our main focus is on ensuring that our team has reputable degrees and certifications as well as abundant real world experience.

  • We understand that each person's financial situation is unique. We offer payment plans for financial flexibility and we also offer a limited number of partial scholarships each season on a case by case basis. If you are interested in exploring an alternative payment plan, please let us know and we will do our best to find a suitable arrangement.

  • Labyrxnth was designed with the busy modern lifestyle in mind. Our clients are CEOs, parents, entrepreneurs, and digital nomads (to name a few). A few weeks prior to your program start date, we will provide a concierge onboarding session to schedule your solo sessions and gather your input on the timing/dates for Forum sessions to fit with your availability. You will start your process knowing the commitment and timing of your complete journey.

  • We know our clients will do their absolute best to be at their sessions… because they want to be there! But we also understand that life happens. In the event that you miss a session, just let us know and we'll work with you to find a new time that keeps you in pace with the rest of the group. Rescheduling occurs through the Labyrxnth Concierge, easily reached via SMS.

    Once group session dates are committed, we ask all clients to hold their Labyrxnth Forum sessions sacred. Anything beyond one absence will detract from your experience and the group's. However, if you have to miss a session, let us know as soon as possible. You will still receive the materials and recap so you can catch up on what you missed.

  • We record several sessions at noteworthy points along the Labyrxnth journey, and we consider our use of recording to be a major asset of our unique program. These recordings allow clients to fully immerse themselves in the moment instead of worrying about writing down important thoughts or revelations. Our clients always have the option to opt out, but we have found the ability to revisit the session to be extremely additive.

  • You'll have one 90-minute virtual session per week, alternating between solo sessions with Lab Guides and group sessions with your Labyrxnth forum. In addition, there is approximately 1 hour per week of resources, readings and communal reflection prompts for you to explore at your own pace.

  • We offer personalized insights and context throughout your sessions, creating a meaningful record of your journey. Prior to each session, we provide a primer with optional pre-reading materials, and before solo sessions, your Guide will send a brief introduction video explaining what to expect. After your session, you have the opportunity to share fresh impressions and insights in your private portal. Each Lab Guide you meet with will provide thorough session recaps, including personal notes, practices, prompts for further reflection, and curated readings for deeper exploration. You have the freedom to choose when to delve into these resources. Additionally, you'll have access to a private chat forum where we engage with guided prompts and conversations between sessions.